There are several ways to print data with PopAddress (see Menus above). The most used option will probably be to print envelopes. If you are going to print envelopes, you must follow these steps (you only do step 1 & 2 once to let PopAddress know what address to print in the upper left of the envelope when printing):
1) First, enter your own name and address into PopAddress
2) Now select your own address as the “Return Address” by selecting the option “Set Current As Return Address” from the Edit menu.
3) Select Page Setup from the File menu and set up your printer options to print envelopes.
Print settings are saved in the PopAddress Preferences file, so if you ever change the printer settings to print one of the other available reports (such as a list of all records), remember to set the printer options back to your envelope print settings before printing an envelope again.
4) Now, to print an envelope using whatever name and address you are currently viewing in PopAddress, just select “Print Envelope” from the File menu (and make sure you have an envelope loaded into your printer of course!).